About Me

Born in Columbus, OH. One of six children. I’m a new Dad, and created this site for my son, Atlas.
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For most of my life, I’ve wondered what it would feel like to be a Dad. Growing up in a house with six children, I often wondered if I was cut out for family life or if I would be one of those people who...


Dear Atlas, I don’t need to tell you who I am anymore because you can see me now with those big, beautiful eyes of yours. You were born yesterday, after only four hours of labor, in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. After all these months, seeing you with...


Dear Atlas, It’s me, your Dad. Throughout your pregnancy, I’ve gone on my own inner journey of reflection, growth, and processing. In nine months, you can process a lot. Before I was old enough to buy a beer, I lost my Dad (your Opa) to Cancer. He was...


Dear Atlas, It’s me, your Dad. One of my favorite things in life is waking up early on a Saturday morning. Saturday feels like a day of rest, and the early morning hours feel especially free when nobody else is awake. I’m looking outside now at the beautiful...


Dear Atlas, It’s me, your Dad. I recently paused to wonder if you’ll know me for who I am. Then, it struck me that you won’t know me for who I have been unless I share those things with you. My Dad told me a lot of stories...


Dear Atlas, It’s me, your Dad. I sometimes wonder if every child is born with pure ideals and hopes. As children, we are born innocent into this plane[t] and crafted by the experiences we encounter as we grow older. When I was younger, I felt heavy disappointment when...


Dear Atlas, It’s me, your Dad. Many years ago, I remember waking up and deciding I wouldn’t have “bad days” anymore. They seemed like an unnecessary waste of energy. So, I opted to make every day a great one and find the positive in it. I’ve done my...


Dear Atlas, It’s me, your Dad. The time leading up to your arrival has continued to dwindle as the days go by. Your Mom and I both thought you would be here a long time ago, and the wear and tear has begun to accumulate. I don’t know...


Dear Atlas, It’s me, your Dad. The weekend has come and gone without your arrival. I thought for sure you’d be here by now, and it has been a bit straining (emotionally) to stretch out the wait, especially for your Mom. We’ve been talking a lot lately about...